Workers Compensation Information
- Use When
- Unable to work b/c you contracted COVID-19 during regular course of work
- General Eligibility
- All workers who are injured on the job & are unable to perform normal work
- *Citizenship and immigration status do not affect eligibility
- COVID Eligibility
- Exposed to and contracted COVID-19 during the regular course of your work
- Benefit Details
- Temporary disability (TD) payments for COVID-19 exposure
- TD benefits begin when:
- (1) Cannot do usual work for more than 3 days; or
- (2) Hospitalized overnight
- TD benefits stop when:
- (1) Return to work;
- (2) Doctor releases you for work; or
- (3) Doctor says illness has improved “as much as it’s going to”
- “Maximum Medical Improvement”
- May be entitled to TD for up to 104 weeks
- Pays 2/3 of lost gross wages while recovering, up to max legal amount
- Eligible employees are entitled to medical treatment and additional payments if a doctor determines EE suffered a “permanent disability” because of the illness
- How to File