Disability Insurance Information
- Use When
- Unable to work due to medical quarantine or illness related to COVID-19
- General Eligibility
- Lost wages because of disability
- Employed or actively looking for work at the time of disability
- Unable to do regular work for at least 8 consecutive days
- Minimum past earnings requirement
- Under care and treatment of a licensed doctor/ religious practitioner
- Make a claim within 49 days of the date you became disabled
- *Citizenship and immigration status do not affect eligibility
- COVID Eligibility
- Unable to work “due to medical quarantine or illness”
- Illness must be “related to” COVID-19
- Must be certified by a medical professional
- Benefit Details
- Approximately 60 to 70 percent of wages (depending on income)
- Ranges from $50-$1,300 a week for up to 52 weeks
- How to File
SDI Online portal https://edd.ca.gov/Disability/How_to_File_a_DI_Claim_in_SDI_Online.htm